NLP Child Development

NLP and childrenChild development refers to the biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy. Although it is a continuous process with a predictable sequence it follows a unique course for every child.  As all parents know, this brings both rewards challenges along the way.  And it doesn’t help that babies arrive into the world without an instruction booklet!

“Raising a child is a time of RAPID CHANGE! From the ages of 0 to 19, a PARENT can age over 30 years!” (Comic Mama)

NLP Child Development provides strategies to help you to understand your children through every stage from toddler to the teen and beyond, and support you to be the best you can be as a parent.  NLP Child Development approaches empower you to help your children grow into happy healthy people.  For example, happy parents with happy children are skilled in state management.  They can create useful states in themselves, change the state of their children and create powerful anchors that reassure and build self-esteem and confidence.  NLP allows parents to teach a child how to become skilled in their own state management easily and simply with love and humour.  As Richard Bandler says  “Certain people think they will feel good if certain things happen… The trick is to feel good for no reason…”

In utilising NLP Child Development you can support your children to formulate their own direction in life.  “Brains aren’t designed to get results; they go in directions. If you know how the brain works you can set your own directions. If you don’t, then someone else will.”(Richard Bandler)

Using NLP Child Development to apply strategies and techniques is both powerful and empowering.  In the following article, Kate Benson, gives you support, focused on 5 common challenges faced by parents, based upon NLP Child Development. All of this is backed by our subjective Bayesian research into NLP.

To learn more about this and how NLP can support you with NLP Child Development join our next  ‘Supporting Children and Young People with NLP’ workshop or, if you want to get a better feel for us first, complete the online form to get the free report by Kate Benson.

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